Waste rock from coastal tailings has migrated along extensive stretches of shoreline, threatening critical fish breeding grounds and coastal benthic invertebrate communities, damming stream outlets, ...
Second-year independent environmental monitoring has identified changes to vegetation in the environmentally significant ...
Amazon's plans to build a data center near Bendix Woods County Park would impact almost 10 acres of wetlands and more than ...
Our research shows that treatment wetlands are a feasible and effective options for the safe removal of oil sands related contaminants. Our research demonstrates that both PAHs and O2-NAs are ...
Wetlands, which are Sri Lanka’s lungs and kidneys, are still in a deteriorating state despite several measures taken to ...
Two baby bald eagles hatched on Wednesday at the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center south of Dallas. There’s a live webcam available for people to watch the eaglets in their nest. COMBINE ...
The Canton Topgolf project would involve filling 7.5 acres of wetlands, including a rare forested wetland type. The EPA has objected to the project's wetlands permit, citing concerns about ...
NEW CARLISLE — Amazon would fill in 9.7 acres of wetland less than a mile east of ... Resources — in what’s known as the Kankakee Sands Service Area. That's a large swath that includes ...