We know what you’re thinking: what is crop rotation? Well, it’s as simple as it sounds. Crop rotation is the practice of rotating crops belonging to specific groups around a vegetable bed from ...
Where were the tomatoes planted last year? Was it this spot? Learn about the importance of crop rotation with your vegetable garden.
Crop rotation is a planned sequence of different crop types, such as spring-seeded cereals, fallseeded cereals, oilseeds, pulses, perennial legumes and other perennial species. Rotations also include ...
Dakota Lakes Research farm in Pierre, South Dakota, utilizes multiple crop rotations. Dwayne Beck offers tips for producers when adding new rotations to their farms. The Dakota Lakes Research Farm ...
He is 12 years into a 100-year look at crop rotation with measurable results pointing to the bottom line. Producers see dollar signs and profitability numbers are the only way to change opinions ...
However, the research also indicates that use of this rotation leads to lower soil carbon content compared to continuous corn production or using more complex crop rotations. This work and similar ...
producers need to know how much P is removed in a harvested crop so that the total amount of P removed during a crop rotation can be calculated. The purpose of this publication is to provide P removal ...