Alaska’s top seafood trade groups say new tariffs could trigger retaliation from key export markets, pushing the struggling ...
Communities around the country rely on thriving oceans to promote strong economies through fishing and tourism. Multiple ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government ...
If you think driving up Parley's Canyon is scary during a snowstorm, wait until you see what it's like on a fishing boat in ...
The Bering Air flight that crashed in sea ice off Alaska, killing 10, was over the weight limit for a "flight into known or ...
The Bering Air Textron Aviation Cessna 208B that crashed in February, killing 10 people, had exceeded the maximum take-off ...
Arctic sea ice extent appears to have reached its annual maximum on March 22, 2025. This is the lowest maximum in the 47-year ...
AVCP and Tanana Chiefs Conference, along with the City of Bethel, claimed that recent groundfish harvest management in the ...