This article was made possible by travel provided by Florida Keys & Key West to experience its night skies and by the ...
You can tell spring has officially begun in the Northern Hemisphere just by looking at the stars. Here's how to easily spot ...
The winter sky has some brightly lit star patterns visible this month, including a triangle featuring Mars at one of its points, making it worthwhile to brave the winter temperatures for stargazing.
Usually, this is the most prominent triangular star pattern of the winter sky. But this year there is an exception. Also in our current evening sky, there is a much smaller triangle configuration ...
For sky-watchers, the failure of the star to suddenly become visible to the naked eye during winter — for the first time since 1946 — is good news because, since September, it's not been ...
Shining then at a magnitude of -0.2 (just a trifle brighter than the similarly hued star Arcturus), Mercury should be readily visible, appearing low in the western sky and setting more than 1.5 ...
On the morning of Friday, March 14 -- the day of the full Worm Moon -- the moon will be 12 degrees above the western horizon ...
Learn how to find your way around the night sky. We’ll show you how to spot stars, planets, galaxies and more with the naked eye. Take our winter tour that features August constellations ...