In the workplace, injuries can occur for various reasons, and when a co-worker is involved, the situation can become ...
(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 4 - INAIL said in its annual report on Tuesday that it received 414,853 reports of work-related accidents between January and December 2024, down by 1.9% from the 422,880 ...
A total of 52 people died due to work-related accidents last year. The Labor Inspectorate received 3,200 reports of people ...
A work-related accident is defined as an accident which occurs during paid working hours, excluding accidents which happen when travelling to or from the workplace Back to article ...
Work-related accidents are more frequent among workers on short contracts or who work via jobs agencies than those with a permanent job, labour inspectors say. The more solid the relationship between ...
Monthly overtime of 100 hours is generally considered a measure for recognizing a work-related accident for brain disease or a heart problem. Currently, government standards for recognizing ...
AB 402 aims to reduce work zone accidents by authorizing automated traffic enforcement. It mandates signs and data reporting to the Legislature.
Calls grew for work-related accident recognition to reflect the realities of modern employment, leading to the 2020 revision of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Law to allow for a ...