While this was going on in the neighborhood of Wounded Knee-the Indians and soldiers exchanging shots-the agency, our home, was also fired into by the Indians. Matters went on in this strain until ...
If made into law, the Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site would formerly reintegrate the Wounded Knee "killing ...
For the Oglala Lakota of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation that place is a site near Wounded Knee Creek, 16 miles northeast of the town of Pine Ridge. From a distance the hill is unremarkable ...
Dee Brown’s 1970 book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee remains perhaps the best-known account of American Indian history, but Ojibwe writer David Treuer has long seen problems with its takeaways.
Three months after the massacre, the first Medal of Honor for Wounded Knee was awarded to an officer who, according to the medal citation “killed a hostile Indian at close quarters, and although ...
"This is not race policing or Indian policing," Barnes says. "If they can prove they have historical ties, then go for it, but to stall the Wounded Knee bill over this unnecessary." O.J. Semans ...
Three months after the massacre, the first Medal of Honor for Wounded Knee was awarded to an officer who, according to the medal citation “killed a hostile Indian at close quarters, and although ...
At Pine Ridge they were apprehended and escorted to Wounded Knee by the military. The following morning, December 29, 1890 , the military ordered all Indian weapons to be relinquished and burned. A ...
Lawmakers advanced H.R. 165, the “Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act,” by a 416-0 vote under suspension of ...
The Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act passed the House unanimously last Congress, but was not voted on by the Senate.