Civil War. Axis strategy in Yugoslavia, as elsewhere, has been to create disunity that would lead to the annihilation of “inferior” peoples. German agents supply arms to Slovenian “White ...
the largest fragment of the former Yugoslavia. The nominal pretext for the war was the conflict in Kosovo, a Serbian province with a predominately Albanian population. A separatist movement ...
Slobodan Milosevic has been formally charged with genocide by the UN war crimes tribunal known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The ICTY is the first ...
A 57-year-old man jailed in Pennsylvania mutilated a civilian during the civil wars that ravaged the Balkans in the 90s, ...
A political and economic crisis brought Yugoslavia to war. When the dust settled, it split into six countries: Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia.
Kosovo's former president Hashim Thaci, who is on trial in The Hague on charges of war crimes, was allowed to visit an ailing ...
Fortunately, the war did not occur, and in 1954 Italy and Yugoslavia signed a memorandum of understanding in London, which provisionally bestowed zone A (Trieste) upon Italy and zone B upon ...
Fortunately, the war did not occur, and in 1954 Italy and Yugoslavia signed a memorandum of understanding in London, which provisionally bestowed zone A (Trieste) upon Italy and zone B upon ...