It’s based on the Z80 CPU, has only 256 bytes of RAM, and not much else. Apart from a few extra chips to output data and address lines to LEDs and a few more to read switches, there are only ...
There have been plenty of Z80 computer builds here on Hackaday, but what sets them apart is what you do with them. [Andrew] writes in with his Z80 single-board computer made from scratch ...
The makers of the BOOK 8088, Pocket 386, and Hand 386 line of portable retro computers are back with a new model called the ...
It was called the Z80 SoftCard, and it was first released 43 years ago this month, on April 2, 1980. In an even more ironic twist, the product was made as an add-in card for the Apple II PC.
There were also listings for a basic operating system. The Digital Group was the first to manufacture a still-popular Zilog Z80 CPU system. Still, they also offered hobbyist-oriented devices based ...