Also from California is Un’Sweet, which comes in Pinot Grigio and Cabernet Sauvignon, and trumpets itself as “the zero-sugar wine” in big letters on the label. Admittedly, that’s a better ...
This particular wine boasted “zero sugar” on its bottle. As I studied the label, I was curious how the sugar content in this product differs from a usual glass of sauvignon blanc ...
Brut Champagne, the most popular category of dry sparkling wine, contains zero to 12 grams per liter of residual sugar. Residual sugar refers to the added, unfermented sugar in the dosage.
Specifically, Champagne descriptors like Doux, Extra Dry, and Brut Nature all refer to the sugar levels in the wine, ranging from Brut Nature (zero dosage and very low sugar) to Doux, the sweetest.
The Gratsi brand of wine is now available in Connecticut through a new partnership with the BevMax wine and liquor ...