To treat a bee sting, you must remove the stinger since it continues to pump toxins into the skin. Bee sting treatment can also include a cold compress, antihistamines, or pain relievers.
After a bee sting, remove the stinger as soon as possible, taking care to avoid squeezing the venom sac. Removing the stinger will limit the amount of venom released into the bloodstream.
A woman also suffered from multiple bee stings and reportedly self-transported to the hospital. A bee removal specialist was contracted to the area, removing a hive with hundreds of bees swarming ...
Bee stings can cause skin tissue at the site of the sting to die. Large areas of dead tissue known as necrotic lesions can appear and often require surgical removal, according to the website ...
Those who experience bee, hornet or wasp stings are advised to remove the stinger, wash the site with soap and water, use an ice pack to reduce swelling and consider taking over-the-counter ...