The California Department of Insurance said Tuesday they will allow the FAIR Plan, designed for Californians who can’t get coverage on the private market, to collect $1 billion from insurers ...
What Is FAIR Plan Insurance? FAIR plan insurance covers high-risk homeowners who otherwise can’t obtain coverage. Many states ...
Since then, the FAIR plan has been inundated with claims for damage by homeowners who lost everything — and who had not been able to get coverage on the private market. To date, the plan has ...
Berkshire Hathaway and Nephila Capital were among the largest capacity providers to the California Fair Plan at its recent ...
The Fair Plan last year only had around $2.5bn of reinsurance cover part-placed across a layer attaching at $900mn and ...
The FAIR Plan is an insurance pool that all the major private insurers pay into, and the plan then issues policies to people who can’t get private insurance because their properties are deemed ...
Also see: California homeowners will pay part of FAIR Plan’s $1 billion assessment A $1 billion assessment for California’s FAIR Plan, the state-mandated insurer of last resort, is expected to ...