PROVIDENCE – If you feel like everyone around you is getting influenza – also known as the flu – you may not be entirely ...
Can your pet get bird flu? Is it safe if your neighbor has backyard chickens? We're answering reader questions about avian ...
The online dashboard provides a breakdown of each of the service lines, showing whether pipes are made of lead or a non-lead ...
PROVIDENCE – As New England gets walloped by a forceful flu season, the number of people hospitalized with influenza in Rhode ...
See five things Rhode Islanders need to know about the current outbreaks and other pertinent facts about measles.
Mask mandates were initially implemented across Brown Health’s medical facilities, which include Rhode Island Hospital, ...
Governor McKee is reviewing remote and hybrid policies for state workers as the federal government requires all workers to ...
The new public database designed to give renters peace of mind regarding whether their landlord has secured a lead certificate is facing pushback less than a day after it was launched.
The Rhode Island Department of Health unveiled its Rental Registry public database Wednesday, which allows renters and prospective tenants to check whether a landlord has secured a lead ...
The Rhode Island Department of Health sent surveyors to the hospital this week. A RIDOH spokesperson said they don't have health and safety concerns at this time.
As part of the process of replacing all lead service lines in Rhode Island’s public water systems by 2033, the Rhode Island ...