After an initial defeat, a slight wording change allowed the sponsors of SB122 to bring it back before the Agriculture ...
Separately, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday will hold a markup on Sen. John Cornyn’s S. 799, the “Gold and ...
Five Democrats on the committee where a medical malpractice bill is waiting to be heard received some of their largest ...
A Texas Senate committee is holding a public hearing to vote on the approval of the cannon as the official state gun.
A judiciary amendments bill sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Chris Wilson, R-Logan, passed the Senate judiciary committee on ...
Members of one U.S. Senate committee held a legislative hearing on Thursday focused on Arkansas Rep. Bruce Westerman's ...
As well, the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Water Rights Settlement Act, introduced by Senator ...
The Texas Senate Education Committee hears testimony on bills that would bring religious material into the classroom.
A proposed Alaska Senate resolution to disapprove creating a standalone agriculture department was referred to the House ...
The ethics committee will meet again when lawmakers return from the transmittal break March 14. The committee, made up of two ...
Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Committee approves tax reform bills aimed at economic growth and simplification.
Sen. Warren Hamilton's three bills on tougher penalties for child sexual abuse, law enforcement due process, and deed theft ...