Samarkand flatbread was officially registered as a geographical indication. The justice minister of Uzbekistan Akbar Toshqulov handed over the registration certificate to the acting head of Samarkand ...
President of Uzbekistan and prime minister of Malaysia agreed to designate 2025−2026 as the period for innovative development in joint partnership. A Strategic Dialogue platform for Foreign Ministers, ...
Starting 1 March, Uzbekistan will require mandatory laboratory testing of palm oil and products containing palm oil and trans fats. Additionally, control over the use of palm oil in food products ...
Deputies of Uzbekistan passed a law banning the import and sale of electronic cigarettes (vapes) and sent it to the Senate for approval. The law was unanimously approved in the second and third ...
Reduce outdoor exertion. Avoid ventilating indoor spaces with outdoor air. Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors. Turn on air purifier if indoor air quality is unhealthy. Data is collected from ...
Prezident Tadqiqotlarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash jamg‘armasi tashkil etish to‘g‘risidagi qarorga imzo chekdi. Jamg‘arma tahliliy ...
Surxondaryoning Jarqo‘rg‘on tumanida savdo binosi egasi hisoblagichni o‘zgartirish yo‘li bilan 1,3 mlrd so‘mlik elektrni ...
Qurilish vazirligi Toshkentda ko‘p qavatli uylar boshqaruv shaklini o‘zgartirishga majburlashning yangi to‘lqini haqidagi ...
Google AQShdagi foydalanuvchilar uchun Google Maps xizmati xaritalarida Meksika ko‘rfazi nomini Amerika ko‘rfaziga ...
MHTI sharhiga ko‘ra, yanvar oyida foydalanilgan avtomobillar va elektromobillar narxi pasayishda davom etdi. Mashhur budjetli ...
Toshkent shahri Yunusobod tumanidagi 260-maktab yonginasida Nexia-3 mashinasi 10 yoshli maktab o‘quvchisini urib yubordi. Piyoda shifoxonaga yotqizildi.
Премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху пригрозил возобновить бои в секторе Газа, если ХАМАС не вернёт заложников к ...