But it took some time for the public to come to understand the power shift that was underway within American evangelical Christianity. In his first administration, Trump didn’t just reward ...
Bill McCartney, who coached Colorado to its only football national championship and founded Promise Keepers, an evangelical Christian group for “godly men,” died Jan. 10 in Boulder ...
The incoming acting president's ties to Uganda's Evangelical community, particularly the Watoto Church in Kampala, have drawn considerable attention. Christian Zionism is common in Ugandan Pentecostal ...
“Speculative category entries have risen 38 percent overall from 2018 to 2023,” said Cindy Carter, awards manager for the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, which runs the Christie ...
Growing up in the evangelical church in the piney woods of east Texas, the world felt circumscribed by an ever-present fear—not just of sin but of ideas that might challenge the worldview handed ...
To national media and voters unfamiliar with evangelical lexicon, it made Carter a curiosity. “We saw ourselves as being very much cultural outcasts” as evangelicals in the mid-1970s ...
Hard as it may be to believe, Carter won the majority of evangelical voters in 1976. Being a white evangelical Christian from the South, he read to many as one of theirs. Things shifted in 1978 ...
Conservatives may have shared Mr. Carter’s theology and biography as a Southern evangelical Christian, but he was not considered one of them. Instead, they coalesced around Ronald Reagan ...
Jimmy Carter was an evangelical. A liberal evangelical. A liberal evangelical in the age before the Christian Right supported a conservative revolution that swept Republican Ronald Reagan into power.
Christian Identity (CID) is an antisemitic, racist theology that rose to a position of commanding influence on the racist right in the 1980s. “Christian” in name only, it asserts that white people, ...
The Public Leader programme is a 10-month journey which has been developed and delivered by the Evangelical Alliance to equip emerging leaders to follow Jesus and make a significant impact in every ...