Literature suggested nurses caring for stroke patients experienced significant moral distress and secondary traumatic stress injuries. ICU leadership implemented a combined approach of Schwartz Center ...
A scientific statement regarding nursing wellness in cardiovascular and stroke care has been published by the American Heart Association.
A scientific statement regarding the management of patients with stroke in rural settings with lower resources has been published by the AHA.
A new advisory from the American Heart Association strongly endorses endovascular treatment for patients with large core ...
BACKGROUND: The American Heart Association (AHA), in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health, annually reports the most up-to-date statistics related to heart disease, stroke, and ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, claiming the lives of 1 in 3 women. For more than two decades, Go Red for Women has encouraged awareness.
By integrating 30 minutes a day of progressive walking exercise into standard stroke rehabilitation (30 to 60 minutes of physical therapy five days a week) stroke patients had a measurable improved ...
People with brain bleeds had nearly 7 times higher blood levels of a specific brain protein, called glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), than those who had strokes caused by clots in a study ...
It's the first time a single seamount in the Pacific ... producing a stunning illustration depicting corals and deep-sea organisms that live among complex ocean currents. The mountain, which ...
Flossing your teeth at least once a week may be linked to a lower risk of stroke caused by a blood clot blocking brain blood flow and irregular heartbeats, according to a preliminary study presented ...