When it comes to heart disease, women are more at risk than men. The CDC says more than 60 million women in the U.S. are living with some form of heart disease.
The benefits of regular checkups and frequent monitoring of blood pressure and cholesterol levels • The heart benefits of adequate sleep, proper diet, physical activity, and giving up smoking You can ...
Some of the risks to Americans' heart health include alcohol consumption and smoking, but staying active and sharing with others can help keep the heart healthy.
Children's National Hospital cardiologist Dr. Michelle Udine joined Good Day DC with some tips on keeping your family's ...
February is American Heart Month and emphasizes the importance of cardiovascular health and the urgent need for widespread ...
February is Heart Month and we’ve we’ve been sharing all month how important it is to take good care of your heart. That can ...
Nearly 45% of women over age 20 are living with some form of cardiovascular disease.CVD is also the leading cause of maternal ...
SB 23 — seeks to extend Medicaid coverage for postpartum mothers from 60 days to a full year after childbirth.
In recognition of Heart Month in February, The Cincinnati/Dayton division of Kroger is teaming up with the Cincinnati chapter ...
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — February is American Heart Month, and doctors at Huntsville Hospital's Heart Center say more people need to be aware of the dangers of heart disease.
A study found that typical cholesterol exams could be missing an important indicator of heart disease risk in certain people.
WHITEVILLE, N.C. (WECT) - February is American Heart Health Month and Trillium Health Resources is hosting a Heart Health ...