When this form of liquorice mixes with saliva, it's demulcent (soothing and coating) properties are can have a helpful healing effect on ulcers. Very occasionally mouth ulcers can be due to ...
Bacterial Infections Mounting evidence suggests that tea tree oil may treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections such as the superbug MRSA better than orthodox antiseptic skin preparations.
Use in the milder end of the psoriasis spectrum ... The drug is also approved for oral ulcers associated with Behcet's disease and for psoriatic arthritis, but Amgen has aspirations to extend ...
A total of 118 recommendations based on expert consensus were published regarding the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa ...
Getting tested for STDs regularly is also part of safer sex, even if you always use barriers like condoms and feel totally fine. Most people with STDs don’t have symptoms or know they’re infected, and ...
Keeping a healthy mouth and gums is the best way to prevent a gum boil. Visit a dentist regularly for cleanings and an exam. Other ways to help prevent a gum boil include the following: Floss or use ...