The numerous holes located among the scales of this conifer suggest that this bronze work served as a fountain in Roman times, perhaps near the Baths of Agrippa. That the Romans should glorify an ...
The Caracalla Baths are located about a mile southeast of the Circus Maximus. Both buses and trams stop nearby. The Piramide subway station is to the southwest. The Caracalla Baths are open year-round ...
Hot, warm and cold baths in a recently uncovered villa offer a new glimpse of life in the city before it was smothered by tons of volcanic fragments. By Elisabetta Povoledo Reporting from Rome The ...
During the Roman Empire, bathhouses were more than a clean place to rinse off the grime from the grind; they were central to ...
The Central Archaeological Council of Greece unanimously approved the restoration of the Kladios Baths in Ancient Olympia, according to Newsbomb. The approval includes the architectural preliminary ...
The origin of sound baths goes back to ancient civilizations in Egypt, Greece and Tibet, but a local practitioner says that the sessions can help people now to release anxiety and stress.
The cold room of the thermal baths features a peristyle—a porticoed courtyard measuring 10 by 10 meters—with a large central pool and frescoes depicting athletes. The bath complex includes all ...
Americans are expected to legally wager roughly $1.4 billion on this year’s Super Bowl matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles, but it won’t all be about X’s and O’s ...
I think a trip to the local baths and a Greggs would have felt like more of a treat. And been a damn sight cheaper.
SINGAPORE – Once a week, Mr Benedict Choo stretches out on a yoga mat, covers himself with a blanket and listens to yoga instructor Clarissa Eckold play a variety of tones on crystal bowls.
The complex had a capacity of about 30 people and boasted baths of varying temperatures, including a caldarium full of hot water, a tepidarium for tepid water and a frigidarium for a bracing cold dip.