Grant Lightfoot, the Orepuki deer farmer who invented a non-polluting baleage wrap that animals can eat, has just received ...
Some producers feed hay free choice in bale feeders. Others feed hay by rolling out bales on the ground for consumption. An increasingly popular feeding method is to utilize a feed mixer with cutting ...
While many are enjoying the upturn in the cattle cycle, there is no better time to practice diligence and frugality to keep revenues in the business. As you are aware, feed costs constitute up to 70 ...
The weaving hitch system allows a +38-degree swing from left to right, allowing for enhanced feed system and bale feeding capabilities. Not only does the automation make operation more streamlined ...
Drought has wiped billions of dollars from South Australia's economy and farmers are "talking to bank managers" as they grapple with the impact of record low rainfall and the worst harvest in 15 ...
Good stock or dry cow hay, $115-$125. Fair/good, grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $95-$105, large squares, $95-105. Ground and delivered locally to feed lots ... squares $6-$10/bale, large rounds, ...
The hay savings from using a ring on 20 bales would pay for a round bale feeder that cost $200. Feeding losses from 20 round bales fed without a hay ring would pay for a commercially available round ...