Here’s everything you need to know to plan a trip to Saguaro National Park. While the Grand Canyon may be Arizona’s most well-known national park, it’s not the only one worth a visit.
There are two types of cacti – desert types and forest types. Desert cacti are very hardy and thrive in full sun, low water, ...
This is the driest early August to early March on record for Tucson, in official weather statistics going back to 1895, and the long stretch without rain isn't over yet.
Desert plants may have to go without fresh water ... Other plants, such as cacti, have special means of storing and conserving water. In existing deserts, some species are in peril because of ...
But the only secluded shady spots in the desert are often right next to a cholla cactus, so contact is inevitable! But even worse was the array of dislodged pads on or in the ground already ...