To get your student loans discharged in bankruptcy, you’ll need to prove that they cause you “undue hardship.” Borrowers can choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but they must ...
Florida-based Silverview Credit Partners filed a Chapter 7 ... bankruptcy petition against Blackford ATM Ventures was filed by Silverview, which says on its website that it specializes in making ...
With Blackford not filing anything by the Wednesday deadline, the case will now proceed as a typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy in which ... with the loan guaranteed by 3,697 of Blackford’s ATMs.
If you were one of the more than 517,000 people who filed for personal bankruptcy in 2024, you might not feel too optimistic ...
Chapter 7 is one of the two most common types of bankruptcy filed in the United States. Also known as “liquidation bankruptcy ...
Filing for bankruptcy can provide serious relief from your mounting debt, but there are a few things to know first.
Applying for a credit-builder loan or a secured card is a great way to rebuild your credit.
A distressed former Pennsylvania ATM network owner says he has found a buyer for the multimillion-dollar beachfront property at 7605 Pleasure Ave. in Sea Isle City.
In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your state may allow you to keep your car or a certain amount of equity in it. If you have a car loan, you may also be able to keep the car if you enter into a ...
These lenders are among the best to consider if you’ve previously declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Getting a mortgage or personal loan when you’ve recently declared bankruptcy can be challenging ...
However, your debt must fall under one of the categories that qualify for debt relief.