Four adults stood in line, each with a jacketed young child in tow, just inside the emergency room double doors at Helen ...
"I could tell that she was sick and she was struggling with ... Kayla's daughter was hospitalized at Children's in early January with the flu, and she had been hospitalized (at a different ...
The Tennessee Department of Health said five pediatric influenza-related deaths had been reported this flu season as of March ...
AND STAY HOME IF YOU’RE SICK. THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION SAYS THIS FLU SEASON. A total of three children in Kentucky have now died from the flu this year, including one from ...
The most effective way to prevent the spread of the flu is to keep sick children home. Prince George's County Public Schools asks parents not to send their children to school if they are ...
provide child care for our 18-month-old granddaughter. She spends two days a week with us and three days in day care. She is frequently sick, and we have contracted R.S.V., colds and the flu from ...
The county said the death comes amid “one of the most severe flu ... sick. KCRA 3 has reached out to the county for more information on this case. There have been at least 15 influenza-coded ...
Additionally, when people get sick, it's important to get treatment ... Nationally, at least 86 children have died from flu so far this season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control ...
Flu-related deaths in commonwealth children are continuing to increase ... covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick, to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the harm that ...