One of the top sources of added sugar in kids' diets is in their breakfast bowls. A new study shows that advertising drives ...
This hot cereal is a cardiologist favorite. It contains fiber, vitamins and minerals, and studies associate it with lowering ...
I was alarmed to see the featured photo in the print California section showing elementary school children reading a book sponsored by a well-known processed breakfast cereal. Exposure to this ...
Despite numerous nutrient claims on the box, children’s breakfast cereals are still higher in calories, sugar, and salt than in an equal amount of adult cereals. Despite numerous nutrient claims ...
Beyond immediate academic impacts, regular high-sugar breakfasts can affect children’s long-term development. Chronic sugar ...
High sugar cereal brands target TV ads directly to kids under age 12. And this targeted advertising leads to greater household purchases of unhealthy kid cereals, a new study finds.
Findings by food researchers revealed that 92% of kids' cereals contained higher than they should levels of sugar.
A recent report by the Food Foundation found that 93 percent of breakfast cereals aimed directly at children contain high or medium levels of sugar. Kellogg’s Fruit Loops Marshmallows has the ...
I was alarmed to see the featured photo in the print California section showing elementary school children reading a book sponsored by a well-known processed breakfast cereal. Exposure to this ...