For decades, scientists believed that infections were determined solely by viruses and bacteria. But Professor Jean-Laurent ...
In the wake of such threats, governments and scientists are looking for ways to protect people from mosquito-borne diseases.
The measles outbreak in Texas is continuing to get worse and health officials fear this is the just tip of the iceberg.
Kern County Public Health begins another year-long health education and awareness campaign for 2025 called Disease Fighters.
Parents and caregivers have always tried to protect their children from mosquito bites. Now that mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus, there is even more concern about their bites. For most ...
Since its arrival in the USA, West Nile virus (WNV) has spread westward to a total of 43 states, resulting in 27,573 reported cases of infection. Patients with the following conditions/features ...
Spring is warming across the U.S., but the southern tier, and specifically the Southwest, is seeing the most warming ...
A Houston man is battling West Nile virus after a mosquito bit him He's been fighting for his life for 7 months Now his family says he's being denied care at hospitals around Houston HOUSTON - A man ...