On February 29, 1984, a small town in East Germany witnessed a train disaster hidden by thick fog. Workers at the station never saw it coming. One moment, silence—then, a deafening crash. This is the ...
November 9, 1989 sitting watching TV as the Berlin Wall was breached and destroyed under cover of night. I was glued to the ...
This year, Chemnitz is being put on the map as European Capital ... In the formerly communist East Germany, it was called Karl-Marx-Stadt. Enough said. Yet the city’s promoters convinced the ...
Brandenburg eine Alte und eine neue Stadt - a giant east German mural by Emil Spiess in Brandenburg an der Havel, saved from demolition in 2009 and now exhibited at a former steel mill.
The process of industrialization, globalization and urbanization—spreading out from urban centers into the countryside—is one ...
Germany was reunified on 1989 under western conditions. The experiences of its eastern half were not valued, creating fertile ...
Matthias Lilienthal will take over running the Berlin playhouse, which has been lurching from crisis to crisis for years.
These newcomers bring the city ... at the map that most (though not all) of the AfD's strongholds are in eastern Germany—the region which used to be the German Democratic Republic (GDR).
The "largely forgotten" city of Chemnitz in the heart of Saxony ... as a "futuristic citadel of faceless tower blocks" under East Germany's Communist regime. From our morning news briefing to ...
The "largely forgotten" city of Chemnitz in the heart of Saxony ... as a "futuristic citadel of faceless tower blocks" under East Germany's Communist regime. Today, though, much has changed.
The Haus des Lehrers and the Congress Hall on Berlin's Alexanderplatz are prestige buildings of the GDR. Behind the listed ...