The agreement comes more than seven years after the Fairbanks Four sued the city in federal court, claiming Fairbanks police ...
This case now in federal court will be a litmus test for police behavior during public protests to come, writes opinion ...
A Chicago Police Department spokesperson blamed data collection errors and lax supervision for the unreported stops.
U.S. universities, including 2 in Va., are under investigation for antisemitism, a move some say suppresses free speech, ...
Residents at Tuesday night's City Council meeting said they also support a civilian review board to be created after a ...
The Georgian parliament should reject a bill to introduce criminal penalties for civic activists and nongovernmental groups ...
Experts say an ongoing civil rights lawsuit could serve as a template for future claims against Travis County.
Lawyers for Yunseo Chung, who came to the U.S. with her family from South Korea at the age of 7, filed a lawsuit seeking to ...
Kansas City closed its jail in 2009, and now plans to replace it at a cost of $150 million to $250 million, if voters approve ...
New York University law professor Devon W. Carbado discussed the “afterlife” of chattel slavery at the annual Belinda Sutton ...
The state secrets privilege allows the U.S. government to withhold sensitive evidence in court cases. Both Democratic and ...