New York State will again hold a free fishing weekend with the event set for Feb. 15-16. What this means is that if you're at least 16, you don't need a license to fish in any body of fresh water ...
Public areas for hunting and fishing represent a relatively small percentage of the state compared with other states, primarily because so much of Iowa is farmed. More than 80 percent of the state ...
Kirtley Park in Cleburne: $750,000 for a nature playground ... access ramp to an existing boat dock and fishing pier, accessible parking, picnic facilities, solar lighting and site amenities.
But fish is too often left out of the conversation about decreasing the state’s reliance on imported food from the U.S. mainland or elsewhere, local fishing industry experts said, even though ...
Cleburne ISD introduced A.J. Sheppard as the Yellow Jackets’ new head football coach on Wednesday night with a meet and greet at Cleburne High School. Before residents, players and staff lined ...
Cleburne police are investigating an Oct. 6 burglary of the Super Garcia Meat Market on Highway 67. Surveillance cameras captured the primary suspect who broke in and stole thousands of dollars in ...
Cleburne ISD announced on Tuesday, Jan 21, the newest head football coach and boys coordinator for the Cleburne Yellow Jackets – A.J. Sheppard. Sheppard will take over the program after stints ...
Axel Angelow, an 8-year-old from Fairbault, Minnesota, caught a hefty black crappie while fishing with his dad, Ryan Angelow, on Cedar Lake in October 2024. The fish measured 18 inches and weighed 3 ...
43.929666, Lon. -70.583851) Day-use Entrance in Casco - take Route 302 in Casco to State Park Rd. to Park Access Rd. (Lat. 43.941989, Lon. -70.546466) Songo Lock Veteran's Fishing Pier - located at ...