You’ve heard it here first! Canada has a new cosplay contest —and not just any contest. Cosplay-Eh!TM – The Canadian Cosplay Championship, is a national, high-level cosplay championship with the goal ...
With last month’s Katsucon in Washington D.C., the cosplay year is officially begun. As ever, Kotaku’s roving photographer ...
Hali Yun, also commonly referred to as NeptuneExplainsItAll by the cosplay community, is gone. The information was shared on ...
The convention is a chance for attendees all ages to share their love of pop culture while supporting the East Bay museum.
A pair of talented It Takes Two fans share their incredibly detailed cosplay of the game's protagonists, surprising fans with their skills.
The event will be held at Quay Arts in Newport on Sunday, March 23, between 10am and 5pm. In the theatre, Heroes Con 4 will ...
A dedicated Genshin Impact fan shares their pristine Capitano cosplay honoring the Sentinel Knight, and wears it around the grocery store.
This week's cosplay features the stunning cosplayer Ivy Cosplay including her takes on Harley Quinn, Samus Aran, and so much ...
For the first time, Amazing Art Expo will host a free pop art and cosplay expo in Norman March 21-23. The expo’s corporation ...
In an exclusive interview with ONE Esports, Thames Malerose explains his cosplay processes and why he cosplays all Love and ...