What if your baking recipe calls for milk, but the only kind you have in your fridge is skim? Will that still do the trick? Here's what to know.
Another spillover of the H5N1 bird flu virus from wild birds to dairy cattle appears to have occurred, this time in Arizona.
Healthy prices combined with sharply reduced feed costs should create profitable margins for most farmers throughout this year.
Milk from every dairy in Arizona has been tested for avian flu at least once since January, but this week was the first time a test turned up positive.
Good old reliable milk. New research found that when it's combined with particular oral drugs, milk significantly improves ...
The softness in butter continues to line up with anecdotal reports that butterfat levels are high and cream is available ...
I was talking with my son the other day and in the course of our conversation, the Super Bowl came up. He asked me if I was ...
University of California researchers have found that acidification can kill H5N1 in waste milk, providing dairy farmers an ...
But, not all states have joined in the effort. Some notable states aren’t testing for the virus in their livestock even as ...
Plant-based milks and different types of milk from animals have varied levels of fats and sugars to consider if you have high ...