What is a hermit crab? There are over 800 species of hermit crabs worldwide, and almost all are ocean dwellers—though people are likely most familiar with the dozen semi-terrestrial species ...
The horseshoe crab has been on Earth for 350 million years. An ancient and complex anatomy hides within its domed shell. From its 10 eyes to its tube-like heart, the horseshoe crab's unique ...
A recent crash in population prompted a multi-partnership study to analyze crab abundance patterns in the Pacific Northwest.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species describes the Americal horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus as vulnerable.
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.— The Center for Biological Diversity and 22 partner organizations petitioned NOAA Fisheries today to list the American horseshoe crab as an endangered species under the Endangered ...
A lawsuit filed earlier this year against pharmaceutical giant Charles River Laboratories alleges that the company is contributing to a significant decline in horseshoe crabs (listed as “vulnerable” ...