Massage your legs with a muscle-relaxing essential oil, such as lavender oil, for immediate relief from period discomfort.
Millions of women struggle with a condition that causes extreme pain around the monthly period, but has ...
Learn why your period hurts more than others and explore biological, medical, and lifestyle factors that influence menstrual ...
Almost 60% of women with Dysmenorrhea have Endometriosis, an illness that causes severe pain, damages reproductive organs, ...
Don't say you have cramps, use the word pain' Ruth Scott's valuable advice to women struggling to get a diagnosis for ...
Jessica Wozniak thought that some of the symptoms of norovirus were lingering. They were signs of Stage 4 colon cancer.
The female menstrual period is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions that have been passed down through generations.
From early warning signs to the health complications and treatment options, know all about adenomyosis from the expert here.
Dr Lawrence Cunningham, a retired GP explains that the exact location of your stomach pain may 'give us clues' to what's ...