Asks University of Illinois Swanlund Chair Professor of Journalism LEON DASH, a founding member of the National Association ...
At birth, she showed no signs of life – not breathing, no crying, no reflexes. Her chances of survival were estimated at just one per cent.
A fatal accident inquiry (FAI) has begun into the death of an 11-day-old baby at Glasgow's Royal Hospital for Children. Sophia Smith died at the hospital on 11 April 2017 after contracting an ...
A MUM has revealed how her baby boy endured two life-saving heart operations before he was even a month old and says the ...
Hernia diafragmatika adalah kondisi cacat lahir yang menyebabkan bayi sulit bernapas. Kenali gejala, penyebab dan penanganannya.
Congenital heart disease is usually detected by Electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray, and 2D echocardiography. Know the ...
The sudden compression forces blood backward from the chest to the upper body, leading to cyanosis or bluish purple discoloration of the face, bulging or bloodshot eyes due to increased pressure ...
When your doctor asks you to stick out your tongue, he could be looking for signs of anaemia, cyanosis - when not enough oxygen reaches the lungs - infections such as thrush, dehydration and ...
Joubert Syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder that affects the cerebellum and brain stem. It presents with a distinct respiratory pattern and profound tachypnea in the newborn period ...
Napas bayi berbunyi grok-grok? Waspadai, karena itu menjadi salah satu gejala laringomalasia. Kenali berbagai gejala dan ...