One of the few virtues of the recent Netflix series on Alexander the Great was the prominent role given to his principal opponent, Darius III of Persia. But in this retelling of history, as in most ...
Over a 10-year period, fighting across modern-day Turkey, the Middle East, and as far away as Afghanistan and Pakistan, Alexander routed Persian king Darius III, taking the empire for his own.
Yahrzeit of Avraham Ibn Ezra, biblical commentator, poet, mathematician, author, and philosopher. An unsuccessful businessman ...
General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Fars, Mohammad Sabet Eqlidi, announced on Thursday that 46 ...
He defeated the Persian King Darius III, seizing control of his empire. It is noteworthy that, at its peak, Alexander’s domain stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. He then ...