Salubritate 2000 S.A. informează piteștenii, persoane fizice, cu privire la centrele de colectare a deșeurilor din Pitești, ...
Milioane de euro pentru reciclare, dar fără efect. Centrele de colectare sunt momentan doar pe hârtie. „Nu avem soluții” ...
În ultimii doi ani, apele râului Mureș din zona Reghin au devenit mai curate datorită unui sistem inovator de colectare a ...
Potrivit presei indoneziene, din cauza condițiilor meteo extreme, cu precipitații abundente, 19 tone de gunoaie, în principal deșeuri din plastic, s-au revărsat în râul Old Citarium, în zona ...
As a doctoral student, Kaner contributed to the discovery of electrically conductive plastic by his advisors Alan MacDiarmid and Alan Heeger, who later received a Nobel Prize for their work. Other ...
plastic pollution, and sustainable disposal practices; adoption of standardized cleanup methods, as outlined in the Manual for Beach Litter Monitoring Program, to improve data collection and cleanup ...
But this time, the urban landscape is different: Modern homes are full of plastic, turning house fires into chemical-laced infernos that burn hotter, faster, and more toxic than their predecessors.
Thailand has become the latest country to take on the global plastic waste crisis by banning imports of plastic waste. For years, the country had served as a key destination for plastic waste from ...