With social media aging, so are the dogs that have for years filled our Instagram feeds with cheer. And when they die, the loss can be unexpectedly heart-wrenching.
A “joyful” puppy born with no eyes “embraces every moment” — and now, she will need a new home.
A woman who never considered herself a dog person has developed an incredible bond with the puppy she only got for her children. Ilana Wiles, 50, is a content creator based in New York City, and until ...
Shayna Crimo has had her dog, King, for 11 years since he was a puppy, and says he's never been violent before - but is now ...
A THUG left his girlfriend with two black eyes and threatened to kill her and her dog during an “appalling” campaign of domestic abuse. Jason Jones from Newport made nasty remarks such as “you should ...