If the recent tariff-fueled selloff in Chicago corn futures felt extreme, that’s because it was, especially given the season.
Jon Scheve shows historical data that illustrates December corn's high rarely happens in February, and usually happens in ...
Kent Beadle with Paradigm Futures says corn is extending gains for a 5th session still in recovery mode after the panic ...
If corn was ever jealous of soybean’s relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, advancements in gene editing could one day ...
Researchers found the highest butter intake was associated with a 15% higher risk of dying from any cause compared with the ...
Diseases cause worry ahead of corn planting season among t hose are Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt, as Tim Unruh ...
According to its own statistics agency, Brazil’s corn supplies as of a few weeks ago hit the lowest levels in at least a ...
The corn market is showing early weakness on Wednesday, with contracts down 4 to 8 cents so far. Futures failed to hold the early session gains after USDA failed to trim back their ending stocks ...
Swapping butter for corn, rapeseed or olive oil could slash the risk of an early death, new research suggests. Experts examined data for more than 221,000 adults, who were followed up for 30 to 50 ...
Across the Corn Belt, unusual warmth prevails in advance of an approaching storm system.  In fact, Friday’s maximum ...
The corn market is fading off the early strength from Wednesday morning, with contracts down anywhere from 1 to 4 cents at midday. The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price is down 3 3/4 ...
CHICAGO: Chicago Board of Trade corn futures rose for a third straight session on Friday as news of exemptions ...