The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) reports that students in classes taught by teachers with master’s degrees in teaching scored higher on standardized tests in math and reading.
International journal of teaching and learning in higher education. 19(2) 117-129. Gibbs, G. & Habeshaw. T. (1992) Preparing to teach: an introduction to effective teaching in higher education.
For example: Designing courses or curricula to address diverse learning styles Developing effective teaching strategies for groups underrepresented in higher education or that meet the needs of ...
represents those with interest in chemistry in higher education. Our community provides a supportive network promoting collaboration, innovation, and dissemination of effective learning and teaching ...
Today, higher education is undergoing major changes. Universities use big data to improve learning. Data helps institutions ...
Student satisfaction is lower in assessment and feedback than in other areas of the student experience, according to recent data from the National Student Survey (NSS) and Postgraduate Taught ...
Drexel's Master of Science (MS) degree in Teaching ... Advanced Education Studies trains certified teachers to develop and implement effective ...