Twelve types of transition metal phosphorous chalcogenides and their high-entropy alloys (up to nine ... stibolyl and bismolyl ligands. Laser-driven proton acceleration has faced a persistent ...
A mix of equal portions of metal ion precursors on a film of graphene oxide (left) are subjected to a photoflash from a Xenon lamp. Heated to more than 1,000 K, the precursors transform into ...
Standing at the intersection between mathematics and the tiler's trade is the so-called einstein problem. Despite its name, ...
Researchers have made a breakthrough in the development of 'life-like' synthetic materials which are able to move by themselves like worms. Scientists have been investigating a new class of materials ...
Nanowires are structures with a width and depth of a few nanometres or less, but a much longer length. Electrons in these materials are free to travel along the wire, but their motion in the other ...
go install entropy # More options entropy -h entropy -top 20 -ext go,py,js entropy -top 5 -ignore-ext min.js,pdf,png,jpg,jpeg,zip ...
Laboratory of Polymeric Materials, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8093, Switzerland ...
Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) is a robust materials analysis code that defines classes for structures and molecules with support for many electronic structure codes. It powers the Materials ...
Tim has 20 years experience in the IT industry including 14 years as a network engineer and site reliability engineer at Google Australia. He is an EV and renewable energy enthusiast who is most ...