Dhaka is more than 2,000 years old, and was always a hub of trade that attracted many kings and their armies to come and rule ...
You remember Professor Alex Igbineweka? Oh… I mean Alex Igbineweka, the Guosa language creator? To the Nigeria Television ...
Two studies reveal that the communication systems of most cetaceans examined adhere to the principles of efficiency and ...
But experts say it highlights the role of evolutionary pressures in complex communication. A humpback whale jumps out of the water off the coast of Brazil in June 2024. New research suggests ...
Just like popular songs on TikTok, new humpback whale songs can rapidly spread across regions and populations to replace ...
Researchers identified statistically coherent patterns in whale song that may be a signature of cultural learning.
According to Professor Benjamin Rosman, if Africa is to benefit from AI, researchers on the continent need to be the ones ...
Ms. Lawver, former Chief Commercial Officer of Dexcom and Global Vice President at Johnson & Johnson responsible for billion-dollar ...
The film seems to comment on the evolution of communication—from a love of language ... We should listen carefully to how we ...
EqualyzAI, a pioneering African-centric AI start-up, officially unveiled its solutions today with a bold mission: to build AI solutions that solve real-world problems in emerging markets using ...
The Puyallup Tribal Council and Puyallup Tribal Language Program celebrated the publication of a historic paper that gives a ...