They tested seven different carving techniques and concluded that the Neanderthal artist likely made the markings in one sitting with quick, repetitive movements using a flint knife.
The team learned that the Neanderthal who created the symbolic markings likely did it in one sitting with what they think was a flint knife. The artist also probably moved quickly, making swift ...
Firelands Archeology, a local non-profit organization, hosted Artifact I.D. Day on March 15 at Beaver Creek Reservation, 913 ...
About 5,000 years ago, an ancient craftsman in modern-day central England picked up a piece of flint. Chipping away at the flint a tiny piece at a time, the Neolithic person “painstakingly ...
A pupil was threatened with a knife by a person wearing a ski mask as they made their way home after school, a headteacher has said. The incident was said to have happened on the Pen Coch Hill ...