By 1858 more than 30,000 prospectors had poured into the Fraser River Valley. This mass incursion would soon lead the British government to establish British Columbia as a crown colony of the Empire.
The iconic "McBarge" vessel, which housed a McDonald's restaurant during Expo 86 in Vancouver, was on its side and partially ...
A once famous barge that served as a floating McDonald's restaurant during the Expo 86 world fair has partially capsized in ...
Chad Helmer released the albino sturgeon that measured 11 feet, 2 inches and weighed an estimated 1,000 pounds. Biologists have never seen anything like it. A Canadian fisherman landed a rare and ...
The Fraser River is unique among the world's great rivers—a huge, relatively natural, undammed, mountain river running through a dense urban area. But a lack of monitoring and poor management ...
(CBC) The McBarge has been moored on the Fraser River for more than a decade ... as part of a larger waterfront development in the Fraser Valley city. However, none of those plans came to fruition.