Australian horror thriller Freelance follows a woman editing mysterious videos that may or may not show real murders.
February film highlights include the Jewish & Israeli Film Festival, Oscar nominated shorts and foreign features, and a David ...
This month’s monsters include an American psycho, a thin-skinned mad scientist and a creep named the Calendar Killer.
This dark, psychological thriller has just crashed Netflix’s top 10 after landing on the streaming service on January 29. At the time of writing, it’s sitting in the No. 8 spot, and it has the right ...
Drew Hancock's clever twist on the too-good-to-be-true love story is giddy, gory and a truly fun genre mash-up.
Scream gets a rom-com makeover in a Valentine’s Day genre blend that’s likable, if not especially scary or clever.
Stream one of these free movies from January 31 to February 2: a crime thriller, a meta-comedy, and a 1990s action pic.
Self-aware horror parodies only succeed if they carefully tread the line between seriousness and silliness without going too ...