While the study of mathematics is typically focused on learning how to apply mathematical operations and formulas, it's also important to learn about its history beyond just shapes and numbers. To ...
Math anxiety holds students back from reaching their potential. Experts share insights on the problem and strategies to combat it.
When it comes to the photographic image, rectilinearity is taken as a given — but it wasn’t for George Eastman, the founder ...
Basket weaving seems like a woke way to teach maths, yet the national school curriculum incorporates Indigenous dance, storytelling and basket weaving into mathematics lessons. In a contorted attempt ...
Researchers discovered that our ability to recognize trees in art is linked to a mathematical principle called the branch ...
Fluency in understanding numbers and their relationships to one another is crucial in mastering more complex numbers later in ...
By relying on artificial intelligence to help make our lives easier, are we making ourselves smarter or dumber?
The average American student remains half a grade level behind pre-pandemic levels of achievement in both reading and math ...
Idaho Legislature's budget priorities questioned as $50M private school tax credit plan competes with $100M Medicaid ...
Over centuries, mathematicians have amassed an array of symbols—from arrows and crosses to shapes derived from letters—to ...
Instead, I have relied on picture books during my math lessons to not only boost engagement, but help my students make real-world connections to the content. Starting my third-grade math lessons with ...