People are being told that the fur trade not only sees animals suffering in filthy farms but they are also the breeding grounds for deadly new viruses that can jump to humans ...
Many in the fur trade now readily acknowledge that activists who protested so loudly had a point: Farmers were not providing a decent standard of care for their animals. But they add that the ...
What they're saying "I believe Chicago must do its part to help end the global fur trade and prevent immense cruelty to ...
So what invasive animals does the USFWS suggest you put on your plate ... Nutria are "oversized, wetland-loving rodents were ...
Humane Society International, in a statement last month, said tens of millions of animals suffer and die each year in the global fur trade and the “vast majority of animals killed for their fur ...
Mark Oaten, CEO of the International Fur Trade Federation, told Insider that it has been subject to a "very hostile animals rights campaign." The creation of PETA in 1980, along with its "I'd ...
But now fur is back, says the Wall Street Journal despite campaigns against it like those from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA ... Fashion Weaks. Fur trade groups contend ...
Pawsitive Beginnings goes beyond rescuing foxes from the fur trade—it provides a transformative animal-assisted therapy program. Through this unique initiative, therapists and counselors share ...
City Council is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a push that would ban the sale of new furs in Chicago. Proponents say a ban ...
“We don’t kill animals here. Those are already dead ... The Natural Fibers Alliance, a fur industry trade group, plans to fight the ordinance “tooth and nail,” most likely by filing ...