Guinness drinkers have claimed the stout tastes better in its country of origin as an Irish landlord explains the reasoning.
A landlord of a posh London boozer has revealed exactly why Guinness tastes so much better in its homeland of Ireland than it ...
THE reason why Guinness tastes better in Ireland than in UK pubs has been revealed by a top landlord. Oisín Rogers, who heads ...
By acquiring Diageo’s Ghanaian subsidiary, the group founded by France’s Pierre Castel is set to take on Heineken in ...
Diageo knew tariffs were coming, but being "effective immediately" has left it to deal with uncertainty in 2025.
Around one in ten pints sold in Great Britain is now a Guinness, with its parent company hailing brand-building, its Premier ...
Diageo was “working round the clock to replenish stock levels,” and ensure supplies were available for rugby’s Six Nations ...