13.1c(2)/1 – Line of Play on Putting Green Accidentally Damaged May Be Repaired A player is entitled to the conditions affecting the stroke that he or she had when his or her ball came to rest unless ...
Follow these five steps from GOLF Top 100 Teacher Kellie Stenzel to develop the perfect putting routine on the greens.
“The moisture meter is a great way to check for soil moisture with advanced technology, mainly used on putting greens, but ...
If you want to become a better putter, you've got to have great green reading and a feel for the speed of the greens.
When a golfer hits their ball on the putting green during a round of golf, they typically get out the putter and get to work getting the ball into the hole. Sometimes, though, that might not be ...
Besides the extremely short height of the grass on putting greens, Turco says that there are other golf course management practices that result in heavy chemical use. "British golf course don't use ...
It’s clear that our free time is precious and often, golfers that like to play golf and get better simply don’t want to invest the time in practice. Instead, they often ask me ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 13 is a specific Rule for putting greens. Putting greens are specially prepared for playing your ball along the ground and there is a flagstick for the hole on each putting green ...