A barred owl made quite a stir in Arlington, Virginia, over the Christmas holiday. The bird evidently was playing Santa Claus ...
At this time of year, I get a lot of emails and texts from people reporting they are hearing an owl hooting outside their windows at night. While many enjoy the sound, others complain they ...
The owl is nocturnal with keen senses of sight and sound. It sees through the shadows of the night and hears the sounds in the silence; the illusion of the darkness.” – Anonymous Winter evenings and ...
Screech owls are relatively common in a variety of wooded situations, including town parks and residential neighborhoods, but ...
The great horned owl (Bubo virginianus ... They are the earliest nesting bird in most of America. They are also out choosing a nest site. Great horns don’t build a nest. Instead they take ...
A: These tawny owls with their dramatically outlined eyes spend their time in wide open spaces in their daily hunt for small rodents. You almost surely won’t see them in a city setting but you might ...
According to records kept by the local Baird Ornithological Club, the great horned owl is the first bird species to nest, with many pairs on eggs by mid-January. Undoubtedly, these two owls were a ...
keeping a lookout for the Great Horned Owl I’ve seen here in the last few weeks. I didn’t see the owl, but walked over to an overlook and stood listening to the sound of the spring-fed creek ...
According to records kept by the local Baird Ornithological Club, the great horned owl is the first bird species to nest, with many pairs on eggs by mid-January. Undoubtedly, these two owls were a ...
A female great horned owl lays anywhere from one to four eggs ... While she is on the nest, the male hunts in the night and delivers her food. Only rarely do males pitch in with incubation ...
Owls may have been shy about speaking out during the recent Owl Prowl at Pollmiller Park, but the geese sure weren’t.