Two great white sharks, including the largest male ever tagged by OCEARCH, pinged off Florida's Treasure Coast Sunday and Monday.
Larger white sharks often gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and also occasionally scavenge dead whales. North Atlantic great white sharks migrate as far south as Florida and the ...
Larger white sharks often gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and also occasionally scavenge dead whales. North Atlantic great white sharks migrate as far south as Florida and the ...
Larger white sharks often gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and also occasionally scavenge dead whales. North Atlantic great white sharks migrate as far south as Florida and the Gulf in ...
Larger white sharks often gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and also occasionally scavenge dead whales. North Atlantic great white sharks migrate as far south as Florida and the ...
Larger white sharks often gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and also occasionally scavenge dead whales. North Atlantic great white sharks migrate as far south as Florida and the Gulf in ...