Greta Garbo, the enigmatic Swedish-born actress who captivated audiences in the 1920s and 30s, was known for her on-screen intensity and her fiercely guarded privacy. Off-screen, she cultivated an ...
In the mid-20s, the world fell under the spell of a young Swedish actress named Greta Garbo. So captivating was MGM's silent star, the studio delayed its introduction of sound. Pairing her short ...
A collection of letters written by the Swedish actress Greta Garbo give a glimpse into the solitary life led by one Hollywood's most enigmatic stars. The 36 letters, which were written in the ...
That the experiment of converting Greta Garbo into a comedienne is not entirely successful is no fault of hers. Had the script writers and the director, George Cukor, entered into the spirit of ...
In the 1950s, an era of glamour and intrigue, the enigmatic Swedish actress Greta Garbo sought refuge in the quiet town of St ...